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Saturday, 12 November 2011

Is Face Book a Time Wasting?

Wasif Chudhary

The above picture shows that most of the people said in a survey that face book is a wastage of time. This survey was conducted between between september 2010 and november 2010.
In the above picture the girl is distressed by the unknown people so he is feeling disturbed.

The todays youth is wasting his precious time by using face book. I do not say that face book is a bad thing but it is real time wasting if you sit all day and all night in using this. Just contacting friends is not a bad thing at all but sharing videos and pictures and other such kind of useless things is harmful for the development of the youth.

1 comment:

  1. i m agree with all above statements...we must use facebook for gainful purposes not for useless things.
