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Sunday, 13 November 2011

Contemporary Society

Wasif Chudhary

When I was ten years old that time the things looks pleasant, cool and nice. People really love each other. They share their sorrows and joys with other people. They visit their relatives and other people who are in their neighbor. There were joys everywhere. There is no concept of militancy and terrorism. It was the time of 1996-97. People were in a race of development but the things were still peaceful.

People were already thinking about contemporary societies and better economic replacements. Then one day I was doing my home work at night and suddenly I listen that America Under Attack.
I hurriedly went to my TV lounge and switched on my Television. I saw a video and a ticker on my TV screen which is showing that some airplanes hit the twin towers of World Trade Centre. There was a red ticker which was showing these words AMERICA UNDER ATTACK.
That time I was just 14 but I understand that these moments will drive the destiny of this world. After some days America announced the war against terrorism. It was a War Of Power.
They had and they have dreams of making this world a Contemporary Society. But the society which give a guarantee of their dominancy and control.

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