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Monday, 27 February 2012

Teenagers escape secure mental health unit in Bromley

Wasif Chudhary

Three patients described as dangerous have escaped from a secure mental health unit in south London.

Danhi Smith, Ajay Jethwa and David Garcia-Maria absconded from an adolescent unit at the Bethlem Hospital on Sunday, police have revealed.

A fourth male also escaped, but returned to the hospital of his own accord later in the evening.

The men are believed to pose a danger both to themselves and others.

Danhi Smith, 18, is described as black, about 5ft 10ins tall, of medium build, with short black Afro-style hair.

He was wearing a pink and grey T-shirt, tracksuit bottoms and black trainers.

Ajay Jethwa, 17, is Asian, about 5ft 9ins tall and slim, with short black hair and a black goatee beard.

David Garcia-Maria, also known as Aziz Achaheb-Cedar, 16, is a Spanish-Moroccan male with short black hair.

Police said he has rotting teeth.

Members of the public have been urged not to approach the three, but to call police if they spot the men.

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