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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Is there another Stage under Construction?

Wasif Chudhary

We have seen many stages in the last three, four decades. We have seen the Stage of Vietnam, we have seen the stage of Iraq, we have seen the stage of Afghanistan and we have also seen some small stages. But the point to remember is that only one mason is behind all these stage creations.
A new stage is under construction and it is The Stage of Iran. Yes, I am talking about the wars which America is fighting for the last so many decades. America believes once again that there is another country which is dangerous for the sovereignty of itself, and this time the Target is Iran. I am afraid that this new Stage will be constructed soon, but I also believe that Iran is not a target like Afghanistan, Vietnam or Iraq. Iran is capable of facing an enemy like U.S.
If U.S will start this war, the consequences of this war would be very harmful and destructive for U.S and its allies.

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