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Thursday, 8 December 2011

President Zardari in Dubai

Wasif Chudhary

The Memo Gate Scandal is at Peek these days. Army, Judiciary and the Opposition Parties are focused at this issues and they are demanding an answer from the Government that what is behind this Game, and who is involve in this game. Hussain Haqani, Mansoor Ijaz, President Zardari are the top names in the news for the last two weeks are so.
Yesterday When a news came from some sources that President Zardari Went to Dubai for his medical check up then a hype once again started in the media that why he went to Dubai in these Circumstances when his Presidency is under pressure from four sides. The contradictory statements from the PPPP,s leaders about the Health of the President also creates a sensation in the media.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan has ordered the parties who were involved in this game of memo to submit their answers about the Issue of Memo.
But today the Supreme Court has abandon the Inquiry till the 20th of this month. On the other hand some sources are also arguing that why President Zardari went to Dubai, may be he went there because of the Memo Scandal. But there is some thing wrong at the moment with the presidency.
To me PPPP Govt is in deep deep trouble, does it survive? Very difficult

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