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Saturday, 30 July 2011

Miracle of QURAN

Wasif chudhary

Mentioned in QURAN
Sea(water) 32 Land(dry land) 13

The word sea (water) is mentioned 32 times in the Holy Quran,and the word land(dry land) is mentioned 13 times. If we add the times the word (sea) is mentioned to the times the word (land) is mentioned we will get the total of 45 times(32 + 13).
To calculate the ratio of land is to water:
Total number of the word (dry land), divided by the total number of both the words (sea) and (land), and multiply it by 100 to get the percentage.
13 divided by 45 x 100 = 28.8888888889%

To calculate the ratio of water is to land:
Total number of the word sea(water), divided by the total number of both the words (sea) and (land), and multiply it by 100 to get the percentage.
32 divided by 45 x 100 = 71.1111111111%

This amazing result, the Holy Quran has reached 14 centuries ago, while the modern Science reached the following only recently:
The percentage of water on earth is 71.1111111111%. The percentage of land on earth is 28.8888888889%.

If we add the first figure to the second we get 100%. These are the actual percentages of water and earth!

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