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Friday, 20 May 2011

Can pakistan survive without the american aid? the dicission of punjab govt.

Hello and welcome to all of you. Today in my article i will try to focus on the decision of Punjab government of not to take any sort of aid from out Pakistan.This brave decision of chief minister of Punjab shahbaz sharief comes on the screen when the relations between Pakistan and us were really on a difficult turn. many voices from inside Pakistan are now commenting this decision and giving their own arguments. One voice which i listen is that this decision is just for point scoring.
Whether it is or not the time will tell. but the people of Pakistan are very happy with this. we can live with out the foreign aid if the horrible issue of corruption and bribery, if the law and order, if the honest hard working, if the issue of not returning the bank loans and especially the over expenses of the govt officials and protocol issues will be addressed soon. Muslim league (N) is no doubt a better contender for the next elections. but they have to do a lot better in the interests of Pakistan. this is a challenge for other provinces also if this decision will be practically implemented. So the time has come for taking hard decisions of not depending on the west and America. and if the Punjab government sets an example here then believe me it is a great achievement for the Pakistan.

1 comment:

  1. u r rite dat its a big achievment nt only for PML N bt for whole population of Pakistan...bt it wd b much betr if we c n find proper implementation of dis vow...coz at dis criticl moment Pakistan doesnt need vowz or slogans it needs practicality.
